Corporate Speaking Engagements

SPEAKER FEE RANGE: $50,000-$200,000


Albert Myles, a former professional basketball player overseas turned executive development expert, is internationally recognized as an authority in leadership, organizational performance, and executive well-being. He is distinguished for his impactful work with Fortune 500 companies and 100+ organizations from Europe and the U.S., the Beverly Hills Police Department, where he was specially invited by the police chief to speak to the departments top supervisors.

Albert delivers speeches at corporate events, family office summits, professional sports team events, and private gatherings worldwide. He conducts training sessions, coaching, presentations, workshops, Q&A sessions, and keynote speeches for conferences, forums, and teams.

Speaking engagement topics cover a wide range of areas, including Business, Business Leaders, Health and Wellness, Leadership Development, Sports Teams, Teamwork and Team building, Virtual Speakers, Peak Performance, Inspirational Speakers, Corporate Speakers, Leadership Speakers, Media, Motivation, Personal Growth, Training, Consulting, and Coaching, Workplace Culture, Organizational Effectiveness Workshops, Health and Well-being Seminars, Keynotes, Corporate Wellness Retreats, Conflict Resolution, Family Dynamics, and Health Management.

corporate OFFERINGS

C-Suite Executive Wellness Retreats

enhancing wellbeing


Executive Experiences

additional services

Enhanced Executive Experiences

C-Suite Executive Development Program

Leadership teams

C-suite Leadership Development